Not only is Alec Boyd ’23 a crucial member of the University of Hartford men’s soccer team, but he has distinguished himself at the Barney School of Business and the University as a whole. Alec will be graduating in 2023 with a double major in business analytics and managerial economics and finance. He is also co-president and founder of the school’s first ever student-initiated club, The Q² Project (q2project.org).
The Q² Project
Boyd’s time spent leading and working with the Q² team has proved to be very successful. He shows appreciation toward his dedicated and hardworking group members, and he urges more individuals to join. He says, “The group we have built is so amazing and we are always open to anyone else who may be interested!” The main mission of the club is “applying what we learn in the classroom to fun, collaborative, relevant projects that have direct applications to the real world.” This collaboration creates an environment similar to that of an authentic work scenario, preparing you for life after graduation. He continues, “Personally, Q² has helped me solidify what I have learned in the classroom by providing a place where I can directly apply it to real-world projects.”
Internship Experience
Boyd has obtained several internship experiences thus far. He has worked as a financial analyst with CarpeData, an InsurTech company based in Santa Barbara and he is currently working for Hartford Steam Boiler (HSB) in their business intelligence and analysis division. What does he have to say about his experiences? They were all overwhelmingly positive. His experience with HSB made him realize the value of company “culture” and the exposure to different technologies being used in various industries. Boyd recommends that students have “diverse internship experiences; they will totally help you narrow down what you want to do.”
Boyd appreciated the opportunity to take part in events in order to network and develop connections. If he could change one thing about his experience, he wishes he could have attended more in-person events, which facilitate creating relationships with professors and industry professionals and that create future opportunities. Assistant Dean John Thomson played a big role in Boyd’s experience. He explains, “Mr. Thomson has helped me make professional connections, included me in developing exciting projects, and so much more. He is someone I look up to and enjoy working with.”
After graduation, Boyd plans to build his own business. He reveals, “I am an entrepreneurial person and really enjoy the challenges, struggles, and rewards that come with building something from the ground up!” Aside from this, he wishes to further his education by obtaining a master’s in data science, software engineering, or a similar field.
Boyd places emphasis on getting involved in anything outside the classroom. “It will help you expand your knowledge to skills that can’t be taught in a classroom, will look good on a résumé, and most importantly, you are certain to find people you enjoy spending time with and make lifelong friends!”
Alec Boyd '23, Barney School of BusinessI really, really enjoy the team I am working with at HSB. They are all so helpful and knowledgeable. This has made me realize how important it is to have a good team ‘culture’ and how much more productive you can be in a team you enjoy working with. In addition, I have been getting exposure to many different technologies: SQL Server management studio, SQL, oracle SQL developer, Microsoft Analysis Services, Power BI, and many more. I have really enjoyed getting to learn and work with these technologies; they are great skills to have and have applications in almost any industry!